Tiron is an automation tool that's easy to use and aims to be as fast as possible. It’s agentless by using SSH and has a TUI for the outputs of the tasks.
use "jobs/job.tr" {
job "job1" {}
group "production" {
host "machine1" {}
run "production" {
action "copy" {
params {
src = "src_file"
dest = "/tmp/dest_path"
Tiron uses HCL as the configuration language.
By using SSH, Tiron connects to the remote machines without the need to install an agent first.
Tiron has a built in terminal user interfaces to display the outputs of the running tasks.
Tiron pre validates all the runbook files and will throw errors before the task is started to execute.
On validating all the input, Tiron also pre populates all the data for tasks, and send them to the remote machines in one go to save the roundtrips between the client and remote.
Tiron provides a LSP server which can provide syntax highlighting, linting, formatting, code jumps, completion etc.